1. Bring your rent check or money order to the office during office hours. Please put your apartment number on your payment.

2. Mailing address for rent payments and automatic bank payments (Bill Pay):

Creekside Apartments
505 27th Way #118
Boulder, CO 80305

Please make checks payable to Creekside Apartments
Please reference your last name and unit number on your check.

We accept payment by PLASTIQ. They accept all major credit/debit cards.

"Pay Rent Online" button will take you to PLASTIQ's website.

Our payment account is:


If you pay using PLASTIQ, you MUST INCLUDE YOUR APT NUMBER AND LAST NAME on your payment. If you do not do this, you will run the risk of your payment being incorrectly or not credited at all to your account. 

505 27th Way #118 Boulder CO 80305 US



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